
CHC Lesson Plans: Eighth Grade

Lesson Plans


A complete, daily schedule for all core and non-core subjects. Juggle family life, provide a solid education, and instill a love for learning! Five days a week, 36 weeks.


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A complete, daily schedule for all core and non-core subjects. These lesson plans clearly prioritize core and non-core subjects, allowing you to juggle family life, build an academically excellent education, and instill a love for learning!

Included in all CHC grade-level Lesson Plans:

  • Introduction & FAQ: An extensive resource with practical advice and encouragement to make your year a joyful one.
  • Comprehensive Subject Guide: This handy guide offers specific teaching help for each subject. Full of tips and suggestions!
  • Daily Lesson Plans: Two page-per-week format. Weekly checklist goals are placed alongside daily plans that offer flexibility and guidance without formality. Core subjects are shaded to make it easy to prioritize.
  • Year at a Glance Chart: Lists the topics covered by subject and week; particularly helpful when you come across additional enrichment material you wish to incorporate. Just check the chart to see which week the topic is being taught and then insert your notes/materials in your lesson plan binder.
  • “Typical Course of Study” and “Achievement Record”: Useful for record-keeping purposes and/or to fulfill state reporting requirements.
  • Certificate of Completion

Special Features for Eighth Grade:

  • Five days a week schedule, 36 weeks
  • The daily schedule within this lesson plan is written directly to the student. Although parental involvement is still important, the student is encouraged to complete most of his schoolwork independently.
  • Study Guide for Earth Science: This essential resource includes enrichment links, instructions for writing the assigned research paper, and resources on the debate over global warming.
  • Timeline & Writing Guides for History: This guide provides instructions for constructing a detailed timeline of the 17th to 21st centuries, using a free printable timeline template. The guide also provides step-by-step instructions and checklists for writing paragraphs and essays, as well as writing prompts for one-paragraph essays and five longer writing assignments on historical topics. The student can choose between five-paragraph essays or more creative assignments, such as writing a letter describing one’s experiences in the French Revolution.
  • Diploma of Completion of the Elementary Grades

Exponents: know the quotient rule, know the power theorem, use the yx calculator key
Roots: add and multiply radical expressions, find roots of large numbers, solve radical equations
Simplify radical, polynomial, and rational expressions (multiply, add, factor, divide)
Algebraic skills: define domain, range, independent variable, and dependent variable; use function notation; use the vertical line test; represent functions as ordered pairs
Graph linear equations, find roots of equations, quadratic equations, etc.
Lines, points, segments, and planes; polygons; triangles; circles; geometric solids; area

Increased reading comprehension and vocabulary
Appreciating lyric, epic, and dramatic poetry; understanding Shakespeare’s plays; literary devices such as meter, voice and speaker, irony (verbal, dramatic, and situational), motif, synecdoche, types of plays (tragedy, comedy, history, romance), soliloquy
Parts of Speech: elusive subjects, appositive nouns, helping verbs, verb tenses, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, functions of a preposition, subordinating conjunctions
Usage: functions of dependent clauses, adverbial clauses, diagramming a participle, gerunds
Mechanics: apostrophes, joint ownership, possessive personal pronouns and adjectives, hyphens
Composition: diction, citation format, persuasive writing, thesis statements, dialogue in a story, narrative writing, creative writing, writing about prose and poetry, writing poetry

Earth’s orbit, seasons, lunar phases, eclipses; the atmosphere; weather and climate
Minerals and the rock cycle; plate tectonics, volcanoes and earthquakes; weathering, erosion, soils
Ground and surface water; landforms and glaciers; geologic history; oceanography
Christian stewardship

The Scientific Revolution; the Age of Enlightenment; French Revolution; Napoleonic Wars
Romanticism; Liberalism; the Industrial Revolution
World War I; Fascism; Communism; the Spanish Civil War; World War II
Vatican II; the Nuclear Arms Race

Deeper understanding of the teachings of Holy Mother Church
Participation in the life of Christ through celebrating the liturgical seasons
Volunteer work in the home, the parish, and the community
High school preparation and discernment
Challenge of living the faith: service to others, sacrifice, obedience, prayer, charity


Product Code: LP8
Format: Softcover
Binding: Loose-leaf, 3-hole drilled
Page Count: 135 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
Returnable? No, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: None required.

Q: What is the difference between core and non-core subjects?

A: A helpful feature of CHC lesson plans is the distinction between core and non-core subjects. Core subjects are the “basic essentials” of education, often thought of as the “Three R’s.” Core subjects such as math, grammar, and science are clearly labeled as such in CHC’s daily lesson plans, making it delightfully easy to trim the day’s schedule as needed. CHC’s flexible program allows non-core subjects, such as Latin, art, and penmanship, to be returned to the schedule as time permits; the focus on core subjects ensures that the student will be exposed to all that is necessary for his grade level, without placing undue demands on student or teacher in times of family “overload.”

Q: Do the page numbers in this lesson plan match the 1st or 2nd edition of the Earth Science textbook?

A: This lesson plan matches the 2nd edition of the Earth Science textbook. There are very few differences between the 1st edition and the 2nd edition. A minor change in the wording of Chapter 4 of the 2nd edition creates a 2-page discrepancy in the page numbers for the rest of the book. However, the lesson plans would still be easy to follow with the 1st edition because the plans refer to chapter and section numbers in the text as well as to page numbers.

Q: I like the idea of lesson plans, but want to retain control over what I teach and when I teach it. I am wary of plans that are overstructured. Can you give me an idea of CHC’s approach?

A: CHC lesson plans combine the flexibility of a self-designed curriculum with the reassurance of knowing that one is providing a complete education. By following CHC’s lesson plans, homeschooling parents have the assurance that “all the bases are covered,” so that they can relax and enjoy sharing in the academic discoveries of their children. With CHC’s lesson plans, the family tailors the studies to fit the family; with public school, private school, or a very structured home study school, the program tailors the family to fit the studies.

Q: I would like to purchase one copy of the lesson plans and copy it for my other children. Would this break the copyright since I’m only using them with my children and not a group?

A: The copyright on lesson plans is a standard copyright, which allows unlimited use of the material as long as copies are not made of the work. If families were to photocopy the plans for more than one child – for all the children in the family – then the price of the plans would have to be much higher. The additional bonus to using one lesson plan per child is twofold: You will enjoy writing in the plans and having a permanent record to look back on, and we are constantly updating and adding new materials and ideas when we reprint each lesson plan. We both win when the copyright law is honored; CHC and its authors and artists receive payment they have earned, which in turn enables CHC to continue to publish more materials for your growing family!

I have many friends who pride themselves on using such a wide variety of materials for their home schools, however, they are also the same ones who are burnt out by Spring of every year because they have to plan and coordinate all of those materials to coincide with each other. CHC has made that a non-issue for me, and I am able to use those valuable hours to spend with my children and family doing much more exciting things.
This is our first year using CHC’s lesson plans—what difference! It’s like we’ve gone from slogging through the mud to “turbo homeschooling”! The structure they provide makes planning the whole week easier and probably saves me 3-4 hours a week in planning/adjusting/organizing. They’ve taken the fear of not staying “on track” away, too.
CHC Lesson Plans give you a day by day breakdown of what you need to do with your child. For people just starting out in homeschooling, or those with large families, these lesson plans are a Godsend. Even if you opt to use a different book than CHC recommends for a particular subject because your child is advanced or behind in a particular area, these lesson plans will work for you. There are empty spaces where you can fill in extra or different activities.
Your lesson plans are so lovely and so inviting. I loved the 2-page spread, the goals for the week, the shaded “core” subjects, and the room to write down appointments, books read, and extra work, but my favorite part about the lesson plans was the way that all of the subjects were so nicely integrated.
The daily lesson [plans] were awesome when we started out, definitely kept us on track and lifted a weight off my shoulders. Now that we’re halfway through the year, we can be flexible with them and tailor to our schedule or abilities. I really can’t say enough about this curriculum.
I love the balance between structure and flexibility that your lesson plans offer. I can ‘tweak’ them to exactly suit my child.

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