Educating for Eternity!


The CHC Approach

If we do not teach our children to know, love, and serve God, all the academics are for nothing. CHC materials are designed to foster good character and a rich Catholic environment in the home.

Why is it important to use Catholic materials?


Photo submitted by Jenny, MO.

Some Catholic homeschool providers recommend mostly secular or Protestant materials, arguing that there is no such thing as ā€œCatholicā€ grammar, spelling, or geography. Is it really such a big deal to have Catholic content in these subjects?

While it is true that there are no ā€œCatholicā€ grammar rules or geography facts, as Catholics, our Faith should permeate every facet of our lives. This does not mean that catechism lessons must artificially be inserted into every lesson.

When children search to identify nouns within an amusing story about brothers and sisters helping one another with family chores, the Faith is presented as naturally on the page as it is within the family dynamics.


Photo submitted by Jenny, MO.

I have just so much appreciated having the faith integrated with the subjects without being stiff and un-real. It just blendsā€”and thatā€™s exactly how our faith and our lives should be!
Just as we are not Catholic only on Sundays, your curriculum is not Catholic only during the Religion lesson. I LOVE that!!! My daughter reads about Catholic ā€œthingsā€ in Little Stories for Little Folks and it's not something out of the ordinary, it's just life as a Catholic
I cannot begin to tell you the difference using CHC materials has made in not only our homeschooling, but in our HOME. From using them during the day, to discussing the day's learning with Daddy. I would recommend CHC to anyone.
The way our Faith is woven into so many places is exactly what I'm trying to get through to my childrenā€”God wants to be part of ALL of their lives!
There is no way a child could complete the CHC course of study and *not* have a strong foundation for a deep love of the Faith
Received your curriculum yesterday and got a new car, too, that is smashing, BUT I am more excited and blessed and thankful for what you all sent. Beautiful. It brought me to tears and made our beginning homeschool ā€œreal.ā€ This will help us and our children get to Heaven. How cool is that?!
My son was having severe issues in school. His behavior was causing him to be sent home at least 3 times a week. Since beginning the first grade program through CHC, his behavior is incredible. The deeply faith-enriched curriculum has Jesus in his heart all the time. This curriculum has changed his life and the life of our family as a whole.
This is the first year using CHC materials and I had wondered if the content in Language of God or My Catholic Speller, for example, would seem forced or preachy, but it isn't. It just relates our beautiful faith to our everyday lives in a very natural way!
My two oldest children, in the past two years of homeschooling, have gone from half-heartedly attending Sunday Mass, to REQUESTING daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, trips to the Sacrament of Confession and books on Saints. I attribute this change to using homeschooling materials that are strong with Catholic ideals and uphold Godly virtues. Thank you for making these available to us!

Photo submitted by Cristina, SC.

A complete education includes the formation of moral character.


Photo submitted by Cristina, SC.

The growth of a childā€™s character is every bit as important as academics. Is he or she learning to share, to speak respectfully, to think of others? CHCā€™s curriculum promotes the growth of good character in ways that have a profound effect not only on the child, but on the family as a whole. We are educating for eternity, and CHC materials reflect that goal.

Don’t take our word for it!

The sample pages below are examples of how family values and character-building themes are woven throughout CHCā€™s exclusive texts and workbooks.

Sample story from Little Stories for Little Folks

Little Stories for Little Folks teaches children to read through real-life stories about obedience, thoughtfulness, and forgiveness.

Sample page from Language of God Grammar

Language of God, Level CĀ teaches grammar through example sentences that encourage cheerfulness and a good attitude.

Behold and See 6 Science gives credit to Godā€™s good design in the natural world.