Welcome to Eighth Grade!

Take a book-by-book tour of CHC’s Catholic eighth grade homeschool program by flipping through the Grade-Level Guide for Eighth Grade at the link below. This flipbook explains CHC’s eighth grade curriculum and allows you to print sample pages to determine grade placement.

  • Eighth Grade Core Kit
    Eighth Grade Core Kit

    Eighth Grade Core Kit

    Core subjects are the "basic essentials" of education for a particular grade, such as reading, science, and religion. CHC's eighth grade homeschool curriculum kit includes lesson plans, answer keys, and all the core texts except math and science, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources (see Also Required for Eighth Grade below).

    See What’s Included
    Lesson Plans
    • CHC Lesson Plans: Eighth Grade
      Learn More
    Literature & Reading Comprehension
    • The Treasure Trove of Poetry (Worktext)
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    • The Treasure Trove of Poetry (Anthology)
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    Grammar & Composition
    • Language of God, Level G
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    • Faith and Life, Grade 8 (Textbook)
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    • Faith and Life, Grade 8 (Activity Book)
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    • Faith and Life, Grade 8 (Answer Key)
    Hands-On Religion
    • Faith in Action: A Hands-On Religion Resource
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    Guide to High School
    • High School of Your Dreams Guidebook
      Learn More
    History & Geography
    • Light to the Nations, Part 2 (Textbook)
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    • Light to the Nations, Part 2 (Workbook)
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    • Light to the Nations, Part 2 (Answer Key to Workbook)
  • Also Required for Eighth Grade

    Also Required for Eighth Grade

    The following math and science books are not included in the Eighth Grade Core Kit because they can be purchased more affordably from other sources. (They are still scheduled in CHC Lesson Plans.) Please purchase them separately at the links provided.

    • Saxon Math Algebra 1 Kit with Solutions Manual (3rd ed.) (ISBN: 9781600329715) New to Saxon Math? Click here for a free placement test!
    • Earth Science: God's World, Our Home Kit (2nd ed.) (ISBN: 9780986352911)
  • Eighth Grade Non-Core Subjects

    Eighth Grade Non-Core Subjects

    Non-core subjects, such as art history and sewing, can be added as time, interest, and finances allow. Since these books and enrichment resources are optional, they are not included in the eighth-grade curriculum core kit.

    Art & Art Appreciation
    • Ever Ancient, Ever New, Level 2 (Textbook)
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    • Ever Ancient, Ever New, Level 2 (Art Pad)
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    Home Economics
    • Sewing with Saint Anne: A Sewing Book for Catholic Girls
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    • A Catholic Garden of Puzzles
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    • Catholic Report Card
Eighth grade student doing CHC homeschool curriculum

Photo submitted by Myriah, LA.

Your lesson plans are really helping me with my kids this year! My eighth grader just goes and gets his lesson plans and books and checks off things as he does them, without my help. When he needs help, I'm there. But he hasn't needed me much, which is awesome! Thank you!!!