Academically Excellent
The CHC Approach
Unlike many homeschool providers, CHC does not confuse “arduous” with “academic,” as if the difficulty of completing a program were the measure of how much a child is learning. In most cases, just the opposite is true.
Encouraging children's desire to learn

Photo submitted by Cristina, SC.
An exhausted child is not going to be as receptive to learning as a child who is engaged in his subjects and not overwhelmed. Rather than crushing a child’s natural desire to learn, CHC’s educational approach lays a joyful foundation, resulting in children who achieve at and above grade level, do not “burn out,” and instead “learn how to learn.”

Photo submitted by Nicole, FL.

Photo submitted by Marcy, WI.
Sound academics without burnout

Photo submitted by Marcy, WI.
CHC upholds high academic standards; our up-to-date, Catholic materials are based on accepted sequences used in schools across the nation prior to the “dumbing down” of texts in the last 70 years. CHC materials are centrally balanced between the “too rigorous approach” and the “too lax approach,” with materials and lesson plans that offer sound academics spiced with plenty of fun and enrichment to keep burn-out at bay. It is CHC’s belief that when solid academics are offered in a gentle, flexible manner, the vast majority of children will blossom spiritually, emotionally, and academically.
Academic Success Stories
The many stories that CHC families have shared of their children’s academic success speak for themselves.