Welcome to Preschool!
Take a book-by-book tour of CHC’s Catholic preschool homeschool program by flipping through the Grade-Level Guide for Preschool at the link below. This flipbook explains CHC’s preschool curriculum and allows you to print sample pages to determine grade placement.
Preschool Core Kit
Preschool Core Kit
Core subjects are the "basic essentials" of education for a particular grade, such as reading, math, and religion. CHC's preschool homeschool curriculum kit includes lesson plans, answer keys, and all the core texts except literature books, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources (see Also Required for Preschool below).
Also Required for Preschool
The following literature books are not included in the Preschool Core Kit because they can be purchased more affordably from other sources. (They are still scheduled in CHC Lesson Plans.) Please purchase them separately at the links provided or borrow them from your local library.
Preschool Non-Core Subjects
Non-core subjects, such as art and music, can be added as time, interest, and finances allow. Since these books and enrichment resources are optional, they are not included in the preschool curriculum core kit.