Growing in Grace & Wisdom is a full-color religion resource designed to help students from 5th through 7th grades grow in maturity. These inspirational stories and hands-on activities supplement and enrich catechism lessons, touching on themes such as:
- making thoughtful decisions
- cultivating silence of mind and body
- choosing good friends and being a good friend
- using creativity to meet challenges
- identifying “creativity thieves” in our lives
- choosing entertainment wisely
- good sportsmanship
- appreciation for creation
- witnessing to the Faith
- the importance of prayer
In this self-directed course, the student reads an inspirational story the first day and completes a hands-on project the next day. Students can complete almost all projects on their own using the included images and templates. 21 lessons.
Note–the course is not intended to replace your child’s catechism lessons, but rather to develop and enrich them.
Recommended for grades 5-8. A daily schedule for this program is available in CHC Lesson Plans for Fifth Grade.
Product Code: GGW
Format: Softcover
Binding: Spiral binding
Page Count: 150 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781946207395
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: None required.
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