
God’s Wondrous Love: A Hands-On Religion Resource

Hands-On Religion

Hands-On Religion, Grade 1

This hands-on religion resource encourages a personal relationship with God through activities, stories, and inspiring images. Note that it does not replace catechism lessons.


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This supplemental religion resource for first grade is designed to help deepen and enrich your child’s understanding of his catechism lessons. God’s Wondrous Love has a special focus on prayer and seeks to promote a personal relationship with God. This course is not intended to replace your child’s catechism lessons but to develop and enrich them.

God’s Wondrous Love features 20 lessons of:

  • thought-provoking stories
  • inspiring images
  • hands-on activities

The non-consumable Book contains:

  • inspirational short stories
  • lesson-by-lesson directions for completing the hands-on projects

The consumable Packet includes:

  • templates
  • color images
  • other illustrative materials needed to complete the projects described in the Book

A family or group using God’s Wondrous Love will only need to purchase one Book, while each student using the course will need his own Packet. Lessons are designed to be completed at a rate of one per week, for 20 weeks, but they can be accelerated to several lessons per week if desired.

A daily schedule for this core text is available in CHC Lesson Plans for First Grade.

Part 1: In the Beginning
God the Father
The Fall and Promise
The Flood and Another Promise

Part 2: The Promised Savior Comes
The Nativity
The Good News

Part 3: Helps to Reach Heaven
Church and Sacraments
Our Blessed Mother, Mary
Guardian Angel
Family and Friends

Part 4: Prayer

Product Code: GWL-B
Format: Softcover
Binding: Spiral binding
Page Count: 72 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781946207357
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.
Answer key: None required.

Product Code: GWL-P
Format: Softcover
Binding: Tear-off pad
Page Count: 120 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781946207364
Returnable? No, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: None required.

Photo submitted by Carmen, TX.

There is no way a child could complete the CHC course of study and *not* have a strong foundation for a deep love of the Faith.
Thanks to your beautiful and faith-filled curriculum, my children have thrived not only academically, but most importantly in their Catholic Faith. You have helped make our family whole by filling that space or void between just saying we are Catholic, and actually living and working toward being a Catholic Family.

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