
Devotional Stories Coloring Book



Coloring Book

A delightful coloring book designed to accompany Devotional Stories for Little Folks by Nancy Nicholson. These 70 coloring pages, illustrated by Andrea Helen Smith, provide a fun way to extend the lessons in Devotional Stories for Little Folks or to involve a younger sibling who is eager to join in.


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Use these original coloring pages in a variety of ways:

  • To reward your budding reader when he finishes reading a story in Devotional Stories for Little Folks;
  • To reinforce the character-building lessons in the stories;
  • To involve a younger sibling who is eager to join in his older sibling’s reading lessons;
  • To occupy children while a story is read aloud during prayer time or “morning basket” time.

The 70 perforated pages are arranged by chapter title, making it easy to hand out the page/s that goes along with the story. The illustrations can be found in full color in Devotional Stories for Little Folks.

Product Code: DSCB
Format: Softcover
Binding: Perfect bound
Page Count: 139 pages (perforated)
Dimensions: 8″×9″
ISBN: 9781946207654
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: None required.

Andrea Helen Smith is a self-taught writer, artist, and embroiderer. She grew up in Mississippi, where her parents homeschooled her. She devotes herself to creating products that are unique, beautiful, and enriching to the heart and soul.

I can not stress enough how amazing their new coloring book is. Perfect to follow along with the devotional stories. It helped so much with reading comprehension, and their lovely drawings invited the children to sharpen their coloring skills as well. Very precious book!

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