
At the Feet of Mary: A Hands-On Religion Resource

Hands-On Religion

Hands-On Religion, Grade 3

This hands-on religion supplement encourages devotion to Our Lady. Each lesson covers one of the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary. Note that it does not replace catechism lessons.


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This resource encourages children to draw near to Jesus through love and devotion to His Mother, Mary. This course is not intended to replace your child’s catechism lessons but to develop and enrich them.

Each lesson covers one of the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary with: 

  • Thought-provoking, inspirational stories
  • Hands-on activities and instructions
  • Age-appropriate meditations and discussion-starters
  • Inspiring, full-color illustrations—by Catholic artist Anna May McCallum—that present the life of Christ and His Mother through the eyes of a child 

At the end of the course your child will have his own book of Rosary meditations and illustrations!  

The Book contains short stories and lesson-by-lesson directions for completing the hands-on projects. 

The Packet consists of templates, artwork, and illustrated materials needed to complete the projects described in the Book.

A family or group using At the Feet of Mary will only need to purchase one Book, while each student will need his own Packet. Lessons are designed to be completed at a rate of one per week for 21 weeks, but they can be accelerated to several lessons per week if need be.

Recommended for ages 7-10.

A daily schedule for this core text is available in CHC Lesson Plans for Third Grade.

Holy Rosary Project

Part 1: The Five Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation of the Lord
The Visitation
The Nativity
The Presentation
The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple

Part 2: The Five Luminous Mysteries
The Baptism of Our Lord
The Wedding at Cana
The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
The Transfiguration
The Institution of the Eucharist

Part 3: The Five Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
The Scourging at the Pillar
The Crowning with Thorns
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion

Part 4: The Five Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection of Our Lord
The Ascension of Our Lord
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption of Mary
The Coronation of Mary

Part 5: Entrusting Our Hearts to Mary

Product Code: AFM-B
Format: Softcover
Binding: Spiral binding
Page Count: 74 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781946207050
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.
Answer key: None required.

Product Code: AFM-P
Format: Softcover
Binding: Tear-off pad
Page Count: 145 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781946207418
Returnable? No, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: None required.

Photo submitted by Marcy, WI.

We are absolutely loving our At the Feet of Mary packets. Thank you so much for this amazing curriculum!

Photo submitted by Selina, TX.

My daughter was so excited to start her hands-on religious education. We decided to make a lapbook out of the Packet for At the Feet of Mary.
My children's behavior has changed considerably since we've used CHC materials. Instead of obeying their parents for fear of being reprimanded, they do it for the love of God and our Blessed Mother. They become so proud that they ask if God is smiling, and want to make sure that their behavior will help them get into Heaven. They are also more open to sharing God's love with their friends, who may be having a difficult time themselves.

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