
E-BOOK: College Prep Writing Workshop



College Prep Writing Workshop

Ten lessons provide a year’s worth of practice with analyzing writing, developing a classical argument, writing a college admission essay, researching for documented writing, and giving presentations. The downloadable e-book comes as a PDF and can be printed if desired.

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The College Prep Writing Workshop prepares 16- to 18-year-old students to excel in college-level writing. Many students who earned A’s in high school English are shocked to discover that high school writing will earn a C or D in college. These ten lessons provide a year’s worth of practice with:

  • Analyzing writing
  • Developing a classical argument
  • Writing a college admission essay
  • Researching for documented writing
  • Giving presentations

Because many colleges strongly recommend courses in American and British literature, a convenient list of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and drama is included lesson by lesson.

As a bonus, students can take advantage of a movie list that incorporates thought-provoking and significant productions, such as Casablanca, Driving Miss Daisy, and Dr. Zhivago.

Product Code: E-CPW
Format: PDF E-book
File Size: Less than 1 MB
Compatibility: Mac, PC, any device that reads PDFs
Page Count: 57 pages
Returnable? No, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.
Usage Permissions: Unlimited use within your immediate family
Answer key: Evaluation questions are included to guide parents and students through the essential elements of each assignment.

Sandra Garant, J.D., is a veteran homeschooling mom, certified teacher, writer, attorney, and administrative law judge. She taught her three children at home until they were ready for college.

I just finished my freshman year at a liberal arts college with a heavy emphasis on writing. After completing Sandra Garant's College Prep Writing Workshop in high school, I was well prepared for college-level writing!

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