The Map Skills series gives children the tools to understand and use maps. Children will also learn critical thinking skills, observation skills, spatial awareness, and directional skills to help them understand and enjoy creation.
The Workbook features:
- Enjoyable, illustrated, full-color lessons teaching strong map skills
- Varied exercises and activities for practicing map skills
The Teacher’s Guide includes:
- Complete answer key
- Enrichment ideas for each lesson
Map Skills B is recommended for second-grade use.
Product Code: MSB-W
Format: Softcover
Binding: Saddle stitched
Page Count: 48 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9780845498941
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: Included in Teacher’s Guide (purchase separately).
Product Code: MSB-K
Format: Softcover
Binding: Saddle stitched
Page Count: 19 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 97808454K98941
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.
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