
Light to the Nations, Part 1: The History of Christian Civilization

History & Geography

History, Grade 7

A full-year Catholic history program covering the development of Western Civilization from the coming of Jesus Christ, through the achievements of medieval Christendom, to the threshold of the Enlightenment projects of the 18th century.


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Light to the Nations, Part 1 is a complete history course that tells the story of the coming of Christ, the Roman Empire, medieval Christendom, the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and the Catholic Reformation. 

The Light to the Nations, Part 1 Textbook features: 

  • Extensive color illustrations and charts
  • Lives of great men and women
  • Geography of the Mediterranean world and Europe
  • Interesting sidebars about historical art, literature, poetry, and music
  • Definitions of key terms
  • Chapter summaries, key concepts, and review questions
  • Suggestions for activities and meditation inspired by history

Writing Assignments and a Timeline Project for this history program are included in CHC Lesson Plans for Seventh Grade and Light to the Nations 1 Daily Lesson Plans.

The Workbook includes varied styles of exercises for each section of the text. Answer key available separately.

The Optional Teacher’s Manual includes:

  • Chapter overview and goals
  • Quizzes and tests
  • Answer key to textbook review questions
  • Pronunciation Guide
  • Lists of Supplemental Reading (historical fiction) and Suggested Recordings (music from different time periods) to enrich your student’s study
  • Timeline (list of key events from 50,000 B.C. to A.D. 1774)

*For answers to the questions in the Textbook, purchase the Teacher’s Manual. For answers to the Workbook, purchase CHC’s Answer Key to the Workbook.

Light to the Nations, Part 1 is recommended for seventh- through ninth-grade use. A daily schedule for this program is available in CHC Lesson Plans: Seventh Grade or Light to the Nations Part 1 Daily Lesson Plans.

Introduction: History and prehistory; the first civilizations
Light to the Nations: Palestine; the life of Jesus; early Christianity
Emperors & Madmen: Roman Empire from Augustus to Diocletian
Blood of Martyrs: Imperial persecutions; heresies; Constantine
Christian Empire: Council of Nicaea; Church Fathers; Gothic and German invasions
Germanic Kingdoms: Germanic culture; Visigoths, Vandals, Franks, and Ostrogoths
Founders of Christendom: Justinian, Byzantium; Gaelic Christianity; Benedict; Boethius; Gregory the Great
Rise of Islam: Arabia; Muhammad; Islam; the Prophet’s successors
Defense of Christendom: Defense of Constantinople; Muslim Spain; St. Bede; Charlemagne
Feudalism: Viking invasions; feudalism; chivalry; medieval farms, towns, guilds
Medieval Reformation: Abuses in Church; monastic reforms; rebirth of the empire; investiture conflict
New Nations: Beginning the reconquest of Spain; growth of English and French Monarchies
Crusades: First–Eighth Crusades; Iberian Crusade; Albigensian Crusade
Great Century: Gothic architecture; universities; Mendicant Orders; Mongols; Scholasticism
Decline of Middle Ages: Babylonian Captivity; Great Schism; Wycliffe and Hus; Black Death
Two Centuries of Conflict: Rise of Russia; Hundred Years’ War; Wars of the Roses; Ottoman Turks
Birth of a New World: Humanism/Renaissance; fall of Constantinople; Moscow; discovery of America
Protestant Reformation: Abuses in the Church; Luther; Calvin; Suleiman I; English Reformation
Catholic Renewal & War: Council of Trent; Jesuits; Battle of Lepanto; Wars of Religion
Europe Before the Flood: Divine Right of Kings; religious, political conflicts in England; Louis XIV’s reign

Product Code: LTN1-T
Format: Hardcover
Binding: Perfect bound
Page Count: 574 pages
Dimensions: 8″×9.5″
ISBN: 9781935644248
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.
Answer key: Included in Teacher’s Manual (purchase separately).

Product Code: LTN1-W
Format: Softcover
Binding: Perfect bound
Page Count: 140 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781935644262
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: Included in Answer Key to Workbook (purchase separately).

Product Code: LTN1-M
Format: Softcover
Binding: Perfect bound
Page Count: 251 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781935644019
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.

Product Code: LTN1-K
Binding: Stapled
Page Count: 32 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.

We began using CHC materials before becoming Catholic, while we were exploring conversion. It has been wonderful to have history, geography, and science materials that are compatible with Catholic teaching. We have so much enjoyed learning as we go along with CHC materials, which have gently guided our family in integrating the Faith with life and learning.

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