
Light to the Nations, Part 1 Daily Lesson Plans

History & Geography


Lesson Plans: History, Grade 7

This 36-week single-subject lesson plan provides a daily schedule for Light to the Nations, Part 1.

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This single-subject lesson plan provides a daily schedule for Light to the Nations, Part One Student Text and Workbook. It features one-page-per-week detailed daily lesson plans with check-boxes, clear weekly goals, “Year at a Glance” chart, and room for notes. In a clear, attractive format, the lesson plan coordinates 36 weeks of: 

  • reading assignments
  • activities and discussion questions
  • review questions and exercises in the Workbook
  • detailed directions for constructing a timeline of the 1st to 17th centuries, using a free printable timeline template
  • writing prompts and step-by-step instructions for writing paragraphs and essays for each century studied*

*The student can choose between five-paragraph essays or more creative assignments, such as writing diary entries of a knight in the First Crusade.

5 days a week, 36 weeks.

Introduction: History and prehistory; the first civilizations
Light to the Nations: Palestine; the life of Jesus; early Christianity
Emperors & Madmen: Roman Empire from Augustus to Diocletian
Blood of Martyrs: Imperial persecutions; heresies; Constantine
Christian Empire: Council of Nicaea; Church Fathers; Gothic and German invasions
Germanic Kingdoms: Germanic culture; Visigoths, Vandals, Franks, and Ostrogoths
Founders of Christendom: Justinian, Byzantium; Gaelic Christianity; Benedict; Boethius; Gregory the Great
Rise of Islam: Arabia; Muhammad; Islam; the Prophet’s successors
Defense of Christendom: Defense of Constantinople; Muslim Spain; St. Bede; Charlemagne
Feudalism: Viking invasions; feudalism; chivalry; medieval farms, towns, guilds
Medieval Reformation: Abuses in Church; monastic reforms; rebirth of the empire; investiture conflict
New Nations: Beginning the reconquest of Spain; growth of English and French Monarchies
Crusades: First–Eighth Crusades; Iberian Crusade; Albigensian Crusade
Great Century: Gothic architecture; universities; Mendicant Orders; Mongols; Scholasticism
Decline of Middle Ages: Babylonian Captivity; Great Schism; Wycliffe and Hus; Black Death
Two Centuries of Conflict: Rise of Russia; Hundred Years’ War; Wars of the Roses; Ottoman Turks
Birth of a New World: Humanism/Renaissance; fall of Constantinople; Moscow; discovery of America
Protestant Reformation: Abuses in the Church; Luther; Calvin; Suleiman I; English Reformation
Protestant Reformation: Abuses in the Church; Luther; Calvin; Suleiman I; English Reformation
Catholic Renewal & War: Council of Trent; Jesuits; Battle of Lepanto; Wars of Religion
Catholic Renewal & War: Council of Trent; Jesuits; Battle of Lepanto; Wars of Religion
Europe Before the Flood: Divine Right of Kings; religious, political conflicts in England; Louis XIV’s reign
Europe Before the Flood: Divine Right of Kings; religious, political conflicts in England; Louis XIV’s reign

Product Code: SSLP-LTN1
Format: Softcover
Binding: Loose-leaf, 3-hole drilled
Page Count: 48 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
Returnable? No, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: None required.

Q: What is the difference between the grade-level lesson plans and the single-subject lesson plans?

A: Both are complete daily lesson plans, but the grade-level lesson plans include all the core subjects in that grade level. Single-subject lesson plans are designed for families who want a daily plan for only one subject. Each single-subject lesson plan features one-page-per-week detailed daily lesson plans with check-boxes, clear weekly goals, a “Year at a Glance” chart, and room for notes.

I love the balance between structure and flexibility that your lesson plans offer. I can “tweak” them to exactly suit my child.
I am always giggling inside when I hear other moms fuss and complain about the time they have to spend “planning out” their lesson plans. I love the fact that all of that work is done for me, and all I have to do is turn the page.

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