Widen your child’s understanding to include all of God’s children worldwide! This hands-on course takes you and your child on a step-by-step exploration of each of the seven continents, featuring:
- Geography
- Climate
- Animals
- Landmarks
- Saints
Explore the Continents centers on the creation of colorful continent map displays that engage the child’s interest and pull together the many facts he is learning about each continent.
Explore the Continents includes:
- Geography term flashcards
- 250+ full-color images of animals, landmarks, saints, and local culture for use in making continent map displays
- Discussion and research questions
- Read-aloud book recommendations for each continent
- Activities including mapping fun, climograph, and games
- Mid-year and year-end reviews
A daily schedule for this core text is available in CHC Lesson Plans for Second Grade.
Note—students will also need 7 Continent Maps to complete this course.
Product Code: ETC
Format: Softcover
Binding: Loose-leaf, 3-hole drilled
Page Count: 135 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9780985834326
Returnable? No, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: None required.
Q: Is Explore the Continents a textbook that provides complete information about the geography, wildlife, saints, and other features of each continent?
A: Explore the Continents is a hands-on program that encourages active engagement by guiding the student in learning about the geography, animals, landmarks, and saints of each continent. To complete the program, the student will need to do research in a children’s encyclopedia, dictionary, and/or library books, or online with parental guidance.
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