
The King of the Golden City: An Allegory for Children



Inspirational Reading, Grades 2-8

An inspirational favorite of young and old, this fascinating allegory makes a wonderful gift. Perfect for children preparing for First Communion, or for older children to foster a profound love for Jesus.


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The King of the Golden City is a fascinating tale which breathes a deep understanding of Holy Communion into the heart of the child, while fostering a profound love for Our Lord.

Originally published in 1921, this classic tale has long been a favorite of young and old. This high-quality gift edition features 8 full-color reproductions of paintings that bring the story to life for young readers. A perfect book for preparing and celebrating a child’s First Holy Communion!

This book was originally written for a young child who asked Mother Loyola what she must do to prepare for her First Holy Communion. The child asked for a story with hidden messages.

Product Code: KGC
Format: Softcover
Binding: Perfect bound
Page Count: 120 pages
Dimensions: 6″×9″
ISBN: 9780976469100
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.
Answer key: None required.

Mother Mary Loyola entered the Bar Convent, York, England, in 1866. She was a prolific author and served as the Mother Superior for several years. The King of the Golden City, written in 1921, is her best-known work.

Photo submitted by Leslie, NE.

The King of the Golden City is possibly your best kept secret! While reading it in preparation for our children's First Communion, the whole family gained something from it! We grew in Faith together, making the sacrament so very special for all of us! A true Catholic jewel!!!!!
This book is a true gem! It has sparked a deeper love and appreciation for the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion. The wording was so vivid and the events were relational to our personal lives. The story is written so beautifully and has become, by far, one of my most favorite books!
Although the main character is a girl, my three sons were completely riveted by the story. I highly recommend this book for all children, especially those preparing for the sacraments.
The King of the Golden City in particular has had a profound effect on how our entire family – parents included – view the necessity to keep our souls holy and pleasing to God!
Our son, who loves to read and be read to, has never been so enthralled with a book as he was with The King of the Golden City. He very eagerly waited to hear my husband or I read about Dilecta's adventures in the Land of Exile and took comfort in the discussions we shared regarding the parallels to our own lives. The King of the Golden City should be required reading for all children AND adults.

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