A complete, daily schedule for all core and non-core subjects. These lesson plans clearly prioritize core and non-core subjects, allowing you to juggle family life, build an academically excellent education, and instill a love for learning!
Included in all CHC grade-level Lesson Plans:
- Introduction & FAQ: An extensive resource with practical advice and encouragement to make your year a joyful one.
- Comprehensive Subject Guide: This handy guide offers specific teaching help for each subject. Full of tips and suggestions!
- Daily Lesson Plans: Two page-per-week format. Weekly checklist goals are placed alongside daily plans that offer flexibility and guidance without formality. Core subjects are shaded to make it easy to prioritize.
- Year at a Glance Chart: Lists the topics covered by subject and week; particularly helpful when you come across additional enrichment material you wish to incorporate. Just check the chart to see which week the topic is being taught and then insert your notes/materials in your lesson plan binder.
- “Typical Course of Study” and “Achievement Record”: Useful for record-keeping purposes and/or to fulfill state reporting requirements.
- Certificate of Completion
Special Features for Fourth Grade:
- Four days a week schedule, 36 weeks
- Independent Study Charts: These charts help the student work through his subjects independently, teaching him responsibility and freeing the parent to work with other children.
- Science Supply List for Behold and See 4
Reading and writing numbers to nine places
Adding and subtracting five-digit numbers, fractions, decimals
Multiplying three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers
Dividing by two-digit numbers
Addition and subtraction of fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers
Simple geometric concepts
Fractions: simplifying, adding, subtracting, multiplying, reducing
Measurement (units of measure, perimeter, area)
Graphing: tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, circle graphs
Problem-solving methods
Increased reading comprehension of both fiction and non-fiction writing
Literary elements: setting, character, plot, and theme
Literary devices including irony, alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, and more
Creative writing/journaling
Writing research paragraphs and compiling research report
Spelling and vocabulary development
Cursive handwriting
Human anatomy: body systems; living as a temple of the Holy Spirit
Health: fighting disease; posture; exercise; rest; cleanliness
Nutrition: nutrients; balanced diet; food groups; food labels; malnutrition
First Aid
Investigation of United States history and social studies
History and development of state of residence; state report
Geography and map study
Identification of all states and capitals; Catholic foundations; industries; climate
Deeper understanding of the teachings of Holy Mother Church
Participation in the life of Christ through celebrating the saints and seasons of the liturgical year
Living the faith
Product Code: LP4
Format: Softcover
Binding: Loose-leaf, 3-hole drilled
Page Count: 118 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781946207586
Returnable? No, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: None required.
Q: What is the difference between core and non-core subjects?
A: A helpful feature of CHC lesson plans is the distinction between core and non-core subjects. Core subjects are the “basic essentials” of education, often thought of as the “Three R’s.” Core subjects such as math, grammar, and science are clearly labeled as such in CHC’s daily lesson plans, making it delightfully easy to trim the day’s schedule as needed. CHC’s flexible program allows non-core subjects, such as Latin, art, and penmanship, to be returned to the schedule as time permits; the focus on core subjects ensures that the student will be exposed to all that is necessary for his grade level, without placing undue demands on student or teacher in times of family “overload.”
Q: Why a four-day week? What about Wednesdays?
A: CHC lesson plans for preschool to fourth grade are designed around a four-day week. Taking off one flex-day each week provides that needed break to keep homeschooling burnout at bay. Wednesdays are days you can assist at Holy Mass together, schedule dental and medical appointments, or dive into those all-day projects that have been beckoning. It can be a day for a mini-unit study, meeting with other families in your homeschooling group, field trips, visits to the elderly, volunteering, sewing costumes for the Feast of All Saints, making Christmas cards, or practicing your upcoming Nativity Play. Wednesdays can also be a day for mom simply to play catch-up, enjoy a sewing project, make a special dinner, or do remedial work with a child needing help—the ideas are as individual as each family and do count as school!
From fifth grade to eighth grade, CHC lesson plans follow a five-day week, since the student’s work load increases in the middle school years.
Q: I like the idea of lesson plans, but want to retain control over what I teach and when I teach it. I am wary of plans that are overstructured. Can you give me an idea of CHC’s approach?
A: CHC lesson plans combine the flexibility of a self-designed curriculum with the reassurance of knowing that one is providing a complete education. By following CHC’s lesson plans, homeschooling parents have the assurance that “all the bases are covered,” so that they can relax and enjoy sharing in the academic discoveries of their children. With CHC’s lesson plans, the family tailors the studies to fit the family; with public school, private school, or a very structured home study school, the program tailors the family to fit the studies.
Q: I would like to purchase one copy of the lesson plans and copy it for my other children. Would this break the copyright since I’m only using them with my children and not a group?
A: The copyright on lesson plans is a standard copyright, which allows unlimited use of the material as long as copies are not made of the work. If families were to photocopy the plans for more than one child – for all the children in the family – then the price of the plans would have to be much higher. The additional bonus to using one lesson plan per child is twofold: You will enjoy writing in the plans and having a permanent record to look back on, and we are constantly updating and adding new materials and ideas when we reprint each lesson plan. We both win when the copyright law is honored; CHC and its authors and artists receive payment they have earned, which in turn enables CHC to continue to publish more materials for your growing family!
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