• Social Studies, Grade 2
    This hands-on course takes your child on a step-by-step exploration of the geography, climate, animals, landmarks, and saints of each of the seven continents.
  • Social Studies, Grade 2
    Poster-sized outline maps of the continents, specially designed to accompany Explore the Continents. Each of the seven maps unfolds from 8.5" x 11" to 22" x 25.5".
  • Social Studies, Grade 3
    This hands-on student course provides an engaging introduction to world cultures and geography. Your child will "tour" one country each month, creating a travel brochure for each.
  • Social Studies, Grade 3
    Detailed map of the world, specially designed to accompany Tour a Country, a hands-on geography program. The back of the map lists every nation with its flag, area, population, and government type. An amazing amount of information on one piece of paper!
  • Social Studies, Grade 4
    This full-year course introduces students to the geography, history, economy, and culture of all 50 states, as well as Washington, D.C., and the U.S. territories.



