
Who Am I? Religion: Preschool


Preschool Religion

This catechism program excels at teaching the Catholic Faith in language young children can understand. Lessons include Bible stories, worksheets, crafts, prayers, and more.


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Teach your child to understand the dignity of each individual as a person made in the image of God. The lessons in Who Am I? revolve around fundamentals of our Faith stated in terms young children can understand and remember. Activity worksheets can be used after the lesson to aid the child’s retention of the story and to help the child relate the theme to his daily life. 

The Preschool Teacher’s Manual is designed for 3- to 4-year-olds and is meant to be used with Workbook A (for 3-year-olds) and/or Workbook B (for 4-year-olds). This means that while your preschooler is using Workbook B, a younger child can participate in the same preschool lessons using the activity sheets from Workbook A.

The Preschool Teacher’s Manual includes: 

  • lesson explanations
  • Bible stories retold for children
  • craft ideas
  • review questions
  • action rhymes
  • reproducible patterns for the suggested crafts
  • 26 lessons, including 9 seasonal lessons (Thanksgiving, Advent/Christmas, Lent, and Easter)

Each workbook includes about 50 tear-out, full-color worksheets that correspond to the lessons in the Teacher’s Manual. On the back of each workbook sheet is a summarized outline of the lesson, including suggested activities.

A daily schedule for Workbook B and the Teacher’s Manual is available in CHC Lesson Plans for Preschool.

Blessed Trinity
I am Special to God Who Made Me
The Ten Commandments
Love Others as God Loves You
The Church
Forgiveness Is an Act of Love
Jesus is God the Son
Miracles of Jesus
Jesus Says, “Come Follow Me”
Faith and Trust
After Death there Is Life
God Should Come First In Our Lives
God Cares for Us and All He Has Made
All Saints’ Day
First Week of Advent—Preparing Our Heart’s and Homes
Second Week of Advent—Mary Said “Yes” to God
Third Week of Advent—Joseph, Jesus’ Father on Earth
Fourth Week of Advent—Christmas Is Jesus’ Birthday
Palm Sunday
Holy Week
Easter Sunday

Product Code: WAITMP
Format: Softcover
Binding: Spiral binding
Page Count: 181 pages
Dimensions: 9″×12″
ISBN: 9781586173715
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.

Product Code: WAIWA
Format: Softcover
Binding: Perfect bound
Page Count: 52 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781586173692
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: Included in Teacher’s Manual (purchase separately).

Product Code: WAIWB
Format: Softcover
Binding: Perfect bound
Page Count: 54 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781586173708
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: Included in Teacher’s Manual (purchase separately).

“My kids’ favorite class! Today: I am special, I am an image of God!” —Luzaideth, FL

The religious education we have been studying in the Who Am I series has deepened my whole family's faith, and as a Catholic convert, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to learn Catholicism with my daughter from the ground up.

Photo submitted by Margaret, NY.

My little one super ready for school this year! He couldn’t wait! Pre K here we go!
“How many gods are there?”
Such a smart boy! ♄

Photo submitted by Ewa, BC, Canada.

My 4-year-old is really enjoying the preschool program. He is practicing his cutting, learning his letters and numbers, and best of all, is now able to join in during our family prayers. Living in a town with no official Catholic education, I’m so happy I can supplement their learning with the CHC program and get them excited about their faith. 🙂

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