Fourth Grade Non-Core Subjects
Non-core subjects, such as art, handwriting, and map skills, can be added as time, interest, and finances allow. Since these books and enrichment resources are optional, they are not included in the fourth-grade curriculum core kit.

Catholic Heritage Handwriting, Level 4
This level provides cursive practice with a smidgen of tongue-in-cheek humor as well as Latin language exposure.
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Liturgical Collection (Teaching Booklet)
This art masterpiece collection features 18 religious paintings to accompany the liturgical year. Each painting comes with a short poem for memorization and a detailed picture study that teaches art appreciation.
The Art Prints are also needed to complete this course. Click here for more details about the complete program.
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Liturgical Collection (Art Prints)
This art masterpiece collection features 18 religious paintings to accompany the liturgical year. Each painting comes with a short poem for memorization and a detailed picture study that teaches art appreciation.
A Teaching Booklet is also needed to complete this course. Click here for more details about the complete program.
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Map Skills D (Workbook)
This fun, full-color workbook uses short lessons to teach the student how to read and use maps.
An Answer Key is also needed to complete this course. Click here for more details about the complete program.
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Map Skills D (Answer Key)
This fun, full-color workbook uses short lessons to teach the student how to read and use maps.
A Workbook is also needed to complete this course. Click here for more details about the complete program.
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A Catholic Garden of Puzzles
These 77 word puzzles encourage critical thinking and expose the child to an aspect of our Catholic Faith. Perfect enrichment handout for ages 8 to 18!
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Coloring with the Saints
A coloring book of the saints with endearing illustrations by Andrea Helen Smith. Coloring pages are organized by when their feast days occur, so it is easy to hand out a coloring page on the feast of a particular saint.
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Onions in My Boots: Basic Gardening for Young Sprouts
This easy-to-follow book teaches basic gardening skills and encourages the child’s wonder at God’s creation.
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Catholic Report Card
This Catholic report card includes a special section titled “Work Habits” to grade how your child completed the assignments: Neatly, Cheerfully, Obediently, Charitably, Cooperatively, Promptly, and Independently.
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