
Faith and Life, Grade 4: Jesus Our Guide


Religion, Grade 4

This catechism series is known for its orthodoxy and its use of original and classical artwork. Grade 4 has a special focus on Bible history.


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This beautiful religion series is a hands-down favorite catechism for homeschooling families.

The inspiring Student Text includes:

  • Lessons that incorporate the four principal components of catechesis: 
    • the Creed
    • the Commandments
    • the Sacraments and Liturgy
    • Prayer and Scripture
  • Questions
  • Prayers
  • Rich artwork, both original and classical 

The Activity Book provides a choice of creative activities for review and reinforcement of each lesson. It emphasizes understanding and putting into practice the teachings of Christ in everyday life. 

The Answer Key is a complete, 14-page key to the Activity Book.

A daily schedule for this core text is available in CHC Lesson Plans for Fourth Grade.

God’s plan to save his people from sin (Salvation History), how we participate in that plan, and the many ways God helps us in our pilgrimage on earth to Heaven through his word, his law, and his Church.

Unit 1: B.C.: Before Christ
Unit 2: The fall and the first murder. The sin and suffering of mankind. God chooses his people and their leaders. A.D. In the Year of Our Lord
Unit 3: History changes when Jesus the King comes. Through grace, especially in the sacraments, we receive the strength to do good.

To help fourth grade students understand their purpose and goal in life, and to see God’s plan in history and society to lead us all to Heaven, our true, eternal home.

Product Code: FL4-T
Format: Softcover
Binding: Perfect bound
Page Count: 165 pages
Dimensions: 7.5″×9.75″
ISBN: 9781586175665
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.
Answer key: None required.

Product Code: FL4-A
Format: Softcover
Binding: Perfect bound
Page Count: 126 pages
Dimensions: 7.5″×9.75″
ISBN: 9781586175740
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: Purchase separately.

Product Code: FL4-K
Binding: Stapled
Page Count: 14 pages
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? No, purchase one per family.

“Our daughter enjoying her fourth grade Faith & Life books.” —Juli, IL

There is no way a child could complete the CHC course of study and *not* have a strong foundation for a deep love of the Faith.
Thanks to your beautiful and faith-filled curriculum, my children have thrived not only academically, but most importantly in their Catholic Faith. You have helped make our family whole by filling that space or void between just saying we are Catholic, and actually living and working toward being a Catholic Family.
The Faith and Life series holds to our Catholic traditions and doesn't try to spin our current culture into it somehow.

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