This report card is the perfect place to record your student’s progress, not only in academics but also in extracurricular activities and character growth. One report card contains everything you need for a year of record-keeping and evaluation, including:
- Space for up to 12 subjects
- 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, semester, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter, and/or final grades
- Quarterly comments
- Special recognition
- Sacraments received
- Volunteer work
- A Work Habits section to grade whether your child completed assignments:
- Neatly
- Cheerfully
- Obediently
- Charitably
- Cooperatively
- Promptly
- Independently
Product Code: CRC
Format: Folded cardstock
Dimensions: 5.5″×8.5″
Returnable? Yes, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Nancy Nicholson is one of the founding authors of Catholic Heritage Curricula. Equipped with an abundance of God-given talent, a major in Secondary Education–English, and years of experience homeschooling her own children, she has written over thirty educational titles, beginning with Little Stories for Little Folks. Her unique ability to develop programs and workbooks that “fit” both advanced and struggling students is due to her experience raising children of different ability levels and learning styles: two of her children are developmentally challenged, while another went on to graduate from Cornell and is now a college professor.
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