
Building Good Character, Level A

Character Training


Preschool Character Training

These character-building cards reinforce good behavior and the practice of virtue and courtesy in young children. Level A focuses on seven key attitudes: obedience, honesty, cheerfulness, helpfulness, generosity, thankfulness, and the Golden Rule.


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This collection of character-building cards is a positive way to reinforce good behavior and the practice of virtue and courtesy in young children. The theme cards are designed to be posted in a prominent place as a reminder of the character theme and as a place to display the child’s progress by adding stickers or stars. The cards in Level A focus on seven key attitudes:

  • Obedience
  • Honesty
  • Cheerfulness
  • Helpfulness
  • Generosity
  • Thankfulness
  • the Golden Rule

Building Good Character, Level A includes:

  • Monthly Theme Cards that feature:
    • A clear description of a character quality
    • A “rewards bar” where stickers or stars can be added to show the child’s progress
    • The endearing art of Sr. Maria Innocentia Hummel, a world-famous Franciscan Sister and artist from the 1930s and 40s
  • Three “Angel Antics” coloring pages per month that introduce the child to new ways of practicing the character goal
  • Instructions and ideas on using the cards
  • Helpful tips for character training
  • Certificate of Achievement

Recommended for ages 4-6.

Building Good Character, Level B is available for ages 5-7.

Helpful Tips for Character Training 

Obedience Theme Card
Angel Antics: Right Away
Angel Antics: Cheerfully
Angel Antics: All the Way

Honesty Theme Card
Angel Antics: Think before Speaking
Angel Antics: Never Tell Lies
Angel Antics: Live Truthfully

Cheerfulness Theme Card
Angel Antics: Think Happy Thoughts
Angel Antics: Play Fair
Angel Antics: Use My Talents

Helpfulness Theme Card
Angel Antics: Helping Indoors
Angel Antics: Caring for My Things
Angel Antics: Helping Outdoors

Generosity Theme Card
Angel Antics: Share My Things
Angel Antics: Care for Others
Angel Antics: Take Time for Others

Thankfulness Theme Card
Angel Antics: God’s Love
Angel Antics: My Family
Angel Antics: To Pray

The Golden Rule Theme Card

Certificate of Achievement

Product Code: BGCA
Format: Cardstock
Binding: Loose leaf
Page Count: 54 cardstock sheets
Dimensions: 8.5″×11″
ISBN: 9781946207104
Returnable? No, view return policy.
Consumable? Yes, purchase one per student.
Answer key: None required.

Photo submitted by Luzaideth, FL.

I have used Building Good Character: Levels A and B with 2 children now and I really appreciate how easy it was to get them to learn how to behave well. I get many compliments on exactly how well behaved my children are in all kinds of situations. They even reinforce good behavior amongst themselves by reminding each other to be Helpful, Obedient, Kind and Honest.

Photo submitted by Elizabeth, SD.

I just want you to know that I thank God when I see my children (there are nine of them) working together, reading together, playing together and praying together. Your Character Building Cards help the children really care for one another.

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