
I am considering homeschooling 3 of our children. I’m scared though, as I am not very disciplined myself, or organized. Can I still do this?
Dear Parent,
Thank you for your question.
First of all, I want to welcome you to the wonderful world of homeschooling. It is normal to be uncertain about teaching when you first start out. You want to give the best education possible for your children, which is why you are considering homeschooling.
It will be a learning process for you and your children, and I know that you will gain more confidence as time goes on.
I think that your organizational skills will improve over time. The nice thing about CHC’s materials, especially if you buy the lesson plans, is that they are already organized for you. The core subjects are highlighted, so if you don’t have time to teach everything that day, you know the core materials. In this way, the lesson plans are pretty flexible. If your day is too busy, you know what to teach and what you don’t have to teach. Also, in the lesson plans, CHC includes daily charts, calendars, and suggested ways in which you can set up your day according to the needs of your family. Each family is a little different in the way that they go through daily life. Therefore, you can create a schedule you and your children can follow that is best for you.
No matter how you decide to set up your school day, it is very important for a schedule to be set at the beginning of the school year for your children to follow. Children need a routine in their lives, and when they know what is expected of them, they and you will ultimately be happier. This doesn’t mean that you have to exactly follow the routine every day, but once you have established a routine, it will be easier for you to teach. It is particularly necessary that your children respect you as both parent and teacher. It is more difficult to actually teach, and enjoy teaching and learning, when you are having to battle behavior and attitudes.
Once you have worked through this and your children are following a daily routine, I think that you will really see all the joys of homeschooling. I think that you will find that your children will enjoy learning, and you will enjoy teaching them.
Good luck and God bless you and your family!
Laura Corrigan
About Laura Corrigan
Laura Corrigan is a mother of five. She was homeschooled through high school and received her teaching certificate from the Franciscan University of Steubenville. She has also homeschooled her own children.