Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Take a book-by-book tour of CHC’s Catholic fourth grade homeschool program by flipping through the Grade-Level Guide for Fourth Grade at the link below. This flipbook explains CHC’s fourth grade curriculum and allows you to print sample pages to determine grade placement.

  • Fourth Grade Core Kit
    Fourth Grade Core Kit

    Fourth Grade Core Kit

    Take a book-by-book tour of CHC's Catholic fourth grade homeschool program by flipping through the Grade-Level Guide for Fourth Grade at the link below. This flipbook explains CHC's fourth grade curriculum and allows you to print sample pages to determine grade placement.

    See Whatā€™s Included
    Lesson Plans
    • CHC Lesson Plans: Fourth Grade
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    Literature & Reading Comprehension
    • The Treasure Trove of Literature, Level 1 (Guidebook)
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    • The Treasure Trove of Literature, Level 1 (Notebook)
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    Spelling & Phonics
    • My Catholic Speller, Level C
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    Grammar & Composition
    • Language of God, Level C
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    Science & Health
    • Behold and See 4: Human Anatomy and Health
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    • Faith and Life, Grade 4 (Textbook)
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    • Faith and Life, Grade 4 (Activity Book)
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    • Faith and Life, Grade 4 (Answer Key)
    Hands-On Religion
    • Saints & Seasons of the Liturgical Year: A Hands-On Religion Resource
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    Social Studies & Geography
    • Our United States of America (Textbook)
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    • Our United States of America (Workbook)
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  • Also Required for Fourth Grade

    Also Required for Fourth Grade

    The following math and literature books are not included in the Fourth Grade Core Kit because they can be purchased more affordably from other sources. (They are still scheduled in CHC Lesson Plans.) Please purchase them separately at the links provided or borrow them from your local library.

    • Saxon Math 5/4 Kit (3rd ed.) (ISBN: 9781591413479) New to Saxon Math? Click here for a free placement test!
    • Little House in the Big Woods (ISBN: 9780060581800)
    • The Father Brown Reader (ISBN: 9780976638674)
    • Minn of the Mississippi (ISBN: 9780395273999)
    • The Winged Watchman (ISBN: 9781883937072)
    • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (ISBN: 9780064409421)
  • Fourth Grade Non-Core Subjects

    Fourth Grade Non-Core Subjects

    Non-core subjects, such as art, handwriting, and map skills, can be added as time, interest, and finances allow. Since these books and enrichment resources are optional, they are not included in the fourth-grade curriculum core kit.

    • Catholic Heritage Handwriting, Level 4
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    Art Appreciation
    • Liturgical Collection (Teaching Booklet)
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    • Liturgical Collection (Art Prints)
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    Map Skills
    • Map Skills D (Workbook)
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    • Map Skills D (Answer Key)
    • A Catholic Garden of Puzzles
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    • Coloring with the Saints
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    • Onions in My Boots: Basic Gardening for Young Sprouts
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    • Catholic Report Card

Photo submitted by Sarah, TX.

I just had to tell you how happy we are with the 4th grade curriculum. One evening when my husband came home my daughter ran to the door, jumping up and down exclaiming, "I love school! I love school!" There are parts that are not easy for her because she is challenged by writing, but I think your program will allow her to improve without feeling overwhelmed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Happy fourth grade boy using CHC's homeschool curriculum for science

Photo submitted by Sarah, TX.

I bought 4th grade lesson plans and material. My son needs a lot of encouragement to do school. Now here is the good part, praise the Lord! He is loving school. We started 1.5 wks ago and he is not giving me a hassle like usual. The spelling and grammar he loves and says, ā€œI can do it and get done,ā€ and there isn't a bunch of busy work. Thanks for being the answer to my prayers.