
First Grade Core Kit

First Grade Core Kit


Core subjects are the “basic essentials” of education for a particular grade, such as reading, science, and religion. CHC’s first grade homeschool curriculum kit includes lesson plans, answer keys, and all the core texts except math, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources (see Also Required for First Grade below).

CHC Lesson Plans: First Grade


A complete, daily schedule for all core and non-core subjects. Juggle family life, provide a solid education, and instill a love for learning! Four days a week, 32 weeks.

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Little Stories for Little Folks: Catholic Phonics Program


Phonics & Reading, Grades K-1

This complete, two-year phonics/reading program includes flashcards, games, pre-reading exercises, and little stories. Children delight in reading 45 engaging little “books” about other Catholic homeschooling families.

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What Do You Like to Do... Catholic Easy Reader and Keepsake Journal


Easy Reader, Grade 1

These short stories will please the eager reader and provide encouraging practice for reluctant readers. Includes space for written responses about the child’s favorite pastimes throughout the seasons.

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What Can You Do... Catholic Easy Reader and Keepsake Journal


Easy Reader, Grade 1

These short stories will please the eager reader and provide encouraging practice for reluctant readers. Stories are based on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, made understandable through situations that the child himself might encounter. Includes space for written responses.

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My Very First Catholic Speller


Spelling & Phonics, Grade 1

A simplified, effective approach to phonetic spelling. Lessons include phonics instruction and vocabulary-building exercises, so you don’t have to purchase separate phonics and vocabulary programs!

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Catholic Heritage Handwriting, Level 1


Handwriting, Grade 1

Kid-friendly penmanship lessons that also reinforce phonics and reading skills. These penmanship lessons practice the letter combinations and words taught by Little Stories for Little Folks (CHC’s reading & phonics program).

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Behold and See 1: On the Farm with Josh and Hanna


Science, Grade 1

This Catholic worktext with hands-on activities teaches about weather, the seasons, plants and animals, the five senses, and other topics from life science.

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CHC’s curriculum for First Grade distinguishes between core and non-core subjects. Core subjects are the “basic essentials” of education for a particular grade, such as reading, science, and religion. Non-core subjects, such as art and music, can be added as time, interest, and finances allow. Visit the First Grade Interactive Guide to take a subject-by-subject tour of core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!

The First Grade Core Kit includes all the core materials for First Grade except for math, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources. The recommended math kit is listed below along with information on where to purchase it.

The First Grade Core Kit includes:

CHC Lesson Plans for First Grade
Little Stories for Little Folks
What Do You Like to Do… Easy Reader
What Can You Do… Easy Reader
My Very First Catholic Speller
Catholic Heritage Handwriting, Level 1
Behold and See 1: On the Farm with Josh and Hanna
Faith and Life 1 Student, Activity, & Answer Key
God’s Wondrous Love Book & Packet

The following math program is not included in the First Grade Core Kit. (It is still scheduled in CHC Lesson Plans.) Please purchase it separately at the link provided.

MCP Math Level A (2005 ed.) Homeschool Kit (ISBB: 9780765273819)

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Other Materials for First Grade:

Non-Core Materials:

Art Masterpieces: Childhood Collection

Art with a Purpose 1 (purchase from the publisher)
Making Music Praying Twice (purchase from the producer)


God’s Love Story
Onions in My Boots
Coloring with the Saints

Parent Resource:
Catholic Report Card

“Late have I loved You, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new!” – St. Augustine

There are many art programs available for homeschoolers, but none combines art history, art appreciation, art theory, and hands-on art activities like this one! Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 1 tells the “story of art” from the cave artists to the High Renaissance masters, paying special attention to the spiritual significance of art as an expression of “the human need to surpass the visible” (Benedict XVI). As each artistic period is discussed, detailed Picture Studies teach students the “language of art” as they engage with masterpieces such as the Ancient Greek Artemision Jockey, the Medieval Book of Kells, and Titian’s Assumption from the Renaissance. Each chapter also includes a lesson in Art Theory, with a focus on the seven elements of art (line, shape, texture, form, value, space, and color). The non-consumable textbook may be used over and over again! 35 chapters, 366 pgs. Lavishly illustrated in full color! Softcover. 8½”x11”

Art Pad 1 provides homeschool-friendly art projects that teach fine arts skills while reinforcing the lessons in art theory and art history from the text. For example, the art history lesson on how Renaissance artists employed linear perspective is complemented by an Art Pad project in which the student makes his own perspective drawing. Art Pad 1 has 35 weeks of project instructions and templates. Black and white text with special templates on colored cardstock and artist’s paper.

Pages are not reproducible; each student will need his own Art Pad. 147-page tear-off pad, shrink-wrapped. 8½”x11” Age Level and Scheduling: This first level of Ever Ancient Ever New is designed for fifth- and sixth-grade students, but can also be used by seventh to ninth graders. The program can be completed in either one or two years.

Topics covered in Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 1:

Art History: Cave Art, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Early Christian, Byzantine, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Insular, Carolingian, Romanesque, Gothic, Early and High Renaissance Art

Art Theory: This level focuses on the elements of art (line, shape, texture, form, value, space, and color) and also covers types of compositions (vertical, pyramidal, etc.); pattern; symbolism; picture space; positive and negative space; bilateral and radial symmetry; implied space, form, and texture; color theory; foreground, middleground, background; linear perspective; and atmospheric perspective.

Art Appreciation: Over 60 picture studies of masterpieces such as Andrei Rublev’s Three Angels, the Royal Portal of Chartres Cathedral, Fra Angelico’s Annunciation, and Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper.

Art Practice: Art Pad projects teach fine art skills such as using lines with different qualities; simplified human figure drawing; drawing facial features; mixing paints; creating actual textures with tooling foil; working with watercolors to create implied texture; drawing with linear perspective; painting with atmospheric perspective; sculpting and drawing the human form in action; creating implied space through overlapping and shading; and more!

The author of Ever Ancient Ever New is a practicing artist with an M.A. in theology and wrote her master’s thesis on sacred art in the theology of Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI). She believes that all great art points beyond itself to God, the source of all beauty. The purpose of Ever Ancient Ever New is not merely to teach fine arts skills or develop a familiarity with famous artists, but still more to cultivate a sensitivity to beauty and to the way God speaks through art. Ever Ancient Ever New leads children to God by Benedict XVI’s “way of beauty.”

The author of Ever Ancient Ever New is a practicing artist with an M.A. in theology and wrote her master’s thesis on sacred art in the theology of Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI). She believes that all great art points beyond itself to God, the source of all beauty. The purpose of Ever Ancient Ever New is not merely to teach fine arts skills or develop a familiarity with famous artists, but still more to cultivate a sensitivity to beauty and to the way God speaks through art. Ever Ancient Ever New leads children to God by Benedict XVI’s “way of beauty.”

The author of Ever Ancient Ever New is a practicing artist with an M.A. in theology and wrote her master’s thesis on sacred art in the theology of Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI). She believes that all great art points beyond itself to God, the source of all beauty. The purpose of Ever Ancient Ever New is not merely to teach fine arts skills or develop a familiarity with famous artists, but still more to cultivate a sensitivity to beauty and to the way God speaks through art. Ever Ancient Ever New leads children to God by Benedict XVI’s “way of beauty.”


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CHC’s curriculum distinguishes between core and non-core subjects. Core subjects are the “basic essentials” of education for a particular.

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CHC’s curriculum distinguishes between core and non-core subjects. Core subjects are the “basic essentials” of education for a particular.